Dancing workshop with Tommaso

Studio Emad Eddin in cooperation with Contemporary dance night are presenting Dancing workshop with Tommaso (UK) Tommaso’s workshops are distinguished by a dynamic blend of exercises from diverse genres and styles, including hip-hop, Gaga, ballet, modern dance, and somatic practices. Drawing on approaches developed by Thomas Hauert, Salva Sanchis, and Renan Martins, Tommaso incorporates exercises…

Dramaturgy Factory Program workshops

Al-Masaharati Lab Initiative in cooperation with orient Productions and Studio Emad Eddin Annual Dramaturgy Factory Program Workshops in the craft of playwriting Dramaturgy Methodology Amber (1) Rewriting and multiple interpretations of a central text The program includes a workshop to train in the craft of dramaturgy to graduate a number of professional dramaturgs to support…

“To you alone its access was reserved”- The numerous ways of approaching Franz Kafka*

This workshop will provide an in-depth exploration of Kafka’s work, focusing on its reception in literary scholarship and its influence on various artists, including those in visual media. Participants will engage in a close reading of the short story Before the Law, followed by a discussion of its diverse interpretations, ranging from academic analyses to…

Practices of Empathy – Dancing Workshop*

Practices of Empathy researches capacities and limits of radical empathy through choreographic practices deriving from authentic movement. It is an invitation to create understanding and mutual support through art and dance, in response to contemporary political and social challenges. The workshop aims to create tools that allow for dialogue across generational, political, and moral divides…

Collective Vocal Improvisation: Your voice as your new instrument Workshop*

This workshop invites participants to explore their bodies and voices as unique instruments of artistic expression. Participants will be guided through a variety of exercises, encouraging them to complete different tasks to help discover their own unique instrument–voice and body sounds–in the process. Participants will be encouraged to create their own improvised vocal storytelling using…